Look at this fabulous website full of wonderful information and resources for moms, pregnant women, and women who are trying to get pregnant. It is full of amazing stuff like information on breastfeeding, natural cosmetics for Mommy, natural products for babies, nutrition, birthing styles, exercising, and homeopathy.
I'm so happy to see a website for women that approaches all different factors of "Natural Parenting". To me, natural parenting is about not being lazy. It's about taking the extra effort to choose better options because it's healthier for your baby. Too many people don't take the time to look up what they are putting into their bodies or their babies' bodies. Too many women make excuses for why they can't breastfeed when in reality, many of them see formula as an easier route, thus giving them no incentive to push through the tough stages of nursing. This is not true with all women, but I feel like I hear this all too often these days. I can tell you that I typically see about 3 out 10 women who breastfed their baby. Most mainstream formula is made with cow's milk, and unless you're buying organic formula, you're baby is taking in RBGH (growth hormone pumped into cows). Wanna know a fact? Average age of puberty in girls worldwide is 16. In America, it's 12. Yes, 12.
Too many people don't want to give cloth diapers a try, which are a lot better for your baby's newborn butt and a lot better for our environment. Why? Because of the extra effort it takes. Many people don't take the time to research the vaccinations that they allow the nurses to administer into their baby's body. Why? Because most people are too lazy to do that or they simply trust that the doctors are always choosing the best option for your child. That is absolutely false or their wouldn't be so many class-action lawsuits against "bad drugs". My point is that natural parenting is not about being a "hippie". It's about taking the time to choose the BEST options for your baby, no matter what the measures!