Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Green Cookware

As you may already know, there is a lot of fuss regarding Teflon cookware and talk of it being pulled off the market.  Dupot is being forced to take PFOA (a chemical used to make teflon) off the market by 2015. Companies will be forced to use safer alternatives.

"Non-stick coatings can contain residues of PFOA (perfluorooctanoate), a chemical used to make Teflon and a breakdown product of stain- and grease-proof coatings on carpet, clothing and food packaging. PFOA is found in the bodies of nearly all Americans. It is a likely human carcinogen; it also has a variety of metabolic developmental, reproductive, endocrine, and neurobiological health effects. Many manufacturers of non-stick cookware have committed to eliminating PFOA residues from non-stick coatings." (http://www.ewg.org/EWGFAQ)

Feel free to check out more on this nasty stuff but the main reason I wanted to share this was to give some better alternatives if you're looking to switch.  About 2 years ago, I pitched all of my teflon cookware and began my collection to a safer set of pots and pans.  My collection includes three types of cookware:

Stainless Steel.  Stainless steel pots are great to have.  Must haves:
  • Medium sized pot with steamer and lid (for pasta, stews, soups, and the steamer for veggies, etc) 
  • A couple of different sized saucepans for veggies and sides
  • A couple of different-sized saute pans
You can buy these stainless steel sets for anywhere from $50-$1500 a set depending on the quality you want.  Costco has these sets all the time for under $200.  The downside is that stainless is not as versatile as cast iron, which is able to be taken from stove to oven without a problem.  Also, with stainless you will need to use oil in the bottom, as they are not non-stick.  I use olive oil, canola oil, or grapeseed oil.   

Cast Iron.  Last year I began collecting Le Creuset cast iron cookware.  You will find that these are much higher in price however they come with a lifetime warranty and are made to go from stovetop to oven.  Each pan is around $250 but I will use them for the rest of my life and they come in all kinds of fun colors!  All of mine were gifted to be by my mom (a gluten-free vegan who loves cooking, and my grandmother who gifted me my wok as a bridal shower gift) Cast iron has been used forever, but Le Creuset has seriously mastered it by covering it with a non-stick, non-toxic ceramic coating.  The pans I found to be of the biggest use were:
  •  3 1/2 qt. Braiser- I use mine all the time! 
  •  5 qt. French Oven-  Excellent for stews, chili, soups, roasted chicken and veggies, & pot roasts.
  • Square Grill Skillet- Awesome for indoor steaks, burgers, grilled chicken, etc.  They even make a panini press to go with it!
  • Wok- I love making Asian food and this may not be all that useful for everyone but stir-fry is a staple in our house. 

Greblon Ceramic Coated Frying Pans.  These Ozeri frying pans are awesome! My grandmother actually introduced me to these because I warned her to get rid of her Teflon pans.  To my surprise, the next time I went to her house, she had purchased these.  They are Germany-made Ceramic coated, eco-friendly frying pans that are totally non-stick and free of PTFE and PFOA.  You can get this set of 3 frying pans for $100 on Amazon and it comes with with an 8", 10", and 12" pan.


I hope this helps and gives you something to ask Santa for ;) Happy Cooking!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

PVC: Quite Possibly The Most Hazardous Toxin in Your Home

Moms, if you haven't researched PVC, you need to.  When I first had Akepa, I went on a rampage removing items in the house that were either questionable or indefinitely contained the toxin.  You should do the same.  It doesn't take long (maybe a little money, however) but in the end, you will feel much better about the home you live in.  (I'll tell you why in the next paragraph).  PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) is used in a ton of common household products.  To make it easy, if it's plastic- check it.  I also listed a few of the top offenders.   When checking your house, here's something to remember: if the plastic doesn't say PVC-free or Phthalate-Free, you should probably consider getting rid of it!

  • Shower curtains (buy a fabric one instead)
  • Plastic tupperware (Buy glass, and please God tell me you don't mircrowave these things) 
  • Plastic toys (Phthalates have now been banned in toys but I still try to choose toys made from natural materials when possible)
  • Artificial leather upholstery (vinyl) 
  • Air fresheners (Just don't use them.. seriously they're obnoxious anyway.)
  • Dryer sheets (I live without them. They're really not that necessary.) 
  • Baby formula packaging (breastfeeding will eliminate this concern, however if you aren't able to  breastfeed, go for a formula in a metal tin (Earth's Best makes one)
  • Cleaning products (choose natural or make your own)
  • PVC piping (obviously!)
  • Cosmetics (Choose brands like Tarte, Bare Minerals, Zoya, etc.) 

Here's why I made the switch... The side effects of PVC should make you want to make the switch too.  

  1. PVC is an endocrine disruptor.  It is also linked to breast cancer & fibroid tumors, reproductive impairment, neurotoxicity, birth defects, and immune system repression.  
  2. Read this... I pulled it directly off of the United States' FDA website.  http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/Safety/AlertsandNotices/PublicHealthNotifications/ucm062182.htm
  3. "A similarly dangerous compound, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), is found in countless items children encounter: backpacks, lunch boxes, raincoats, even the vinyl flooring of your home. Not only has PVC flooring been linked to higher rates of autism, but PVC exposure is also associated with cancer, kidney damage, and development of the reproductive system. Look for products labeled PVC-free, and be wary of the word “vinyl.” "
    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/04/17/keeping-children-safe-from-everyday-toxins/#ixzz280yLzqPA
  4. "... [There is] direct evidence that the presence of phthalates prolongs the survival of white blood cells, which supports the idea that they are contributing to damage and to inflammation ... phthalates encourage cells to produce hydrogen peroxide, which ... can kill cells and damage tissue." http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/08/10/phthalates-cause-inflammation-in-atrisk-babies.aspx
  5. "As EHHI reported, studies have shown women of childbearing age have significantly higher phthalate exposures than other adults (could this be because they also use the most cosmetics?), and the chemical has been detected in 100 percent of pregnant women tested. It's known that fetal exposure to phthalates is closely related to maternal exposure, according to EHHI, so many, if not all, babies are starting out with exposure in the womb." http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/08/10/phthalates-cause-inflammation-in-atrisk-babies.aspx

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate?

I was unpacking boxes yesterday and I found all of the books I read while I was pregnant.  Among these were my vaccination books.  I purchased them because during my child development studies, we touched on the rising rate of Autism and the suggested link between vaccinations & Autism.  The pharmaceutical companies deny any link of course but I think we can all list several instances where pharmaceuticals have gone very wrong.

When I tell people that Akepa is not fully vaccinated, some people look at me like I'm crazy.  (I really could less, but it's just a nice reminder that the majority of people buy into everything their doctors tell them).  When I approached Akepa's pediatrician about only partially vaccinating her, he was surprisingly accepting.  He told me that it was ultimately my decision as the parent and he was especially understanding when I declined the MMR.  He confirmed that the MMR vaccine had indeed received a great deal of controversy and gladly accepted my decision to pass on it.

If you are looking for a new read, looking to have babies, are pregnant now, or just want to educate yourself on vaccinations, take a look at a couple of these books.  One was written by pediatrician Dr. Sears, another by Jenny McCarthy who's son is autistic, and the last is written by Dr. Stephanie Cave, Practitioner and Vaccination Expert.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Being a "Natural" Parent

Look at this fabulous website full of wonderful information and resources for moms, pregnant women, and women who are trying to get pregnant.  It is full of amazing stuff like information on breastfeeding, natural cosmetics for Mommy, natural products for babies, nutrition, birthing styles, exercising, and homeopathy. 

I'm so happy to see a website for women that approaches all different factors of "Natural Parenting".  To me, natural parenting is about not being lazy.  It's about taking the extra effort to choose better options because it's healthier for your baby.  Too many people don't take the time to look up what they are putting into their bodies or their babies' bodies.  Too many women make excuses for why they can't breastfeed when in reality, many of them see formula as an easier route, thus giving them no incentive to push through the tough stages of nursing.  This is not true with all women, but I feel like I hear this all too often these days.  I can tell you that I typically see about 3 out 10 women who breastfed their baby.  Most mainstream formula is made with cow's milk, and unless you're buying organic formula, you're baby is taking in RBGH (growth hormone pumped into cows). Wanna know a fact? Average age of puberty in girls worldwide is 16.  In America, it's 12.  Yes, 12. 

Too many people don't want to give cloth diapers a try, which are a lot better for your baby's newborn butt and a lot better for our environment.  Why? Because of the extra effort it takes.   Many people don't take the time to research the vaccinations that they allow the nurses to administer into their baby's body.  Why? Because most people are too lazy to do that or they simply trust that the doctors are always choosing the best option for your child.  That is absolutely false or their wouldn't be so many class-action lawsuits against "bad drugs".  My point is that natural parenting is not about being a "hippie".  It's about taking the time to choose the BEST options for your baby, no matter what the measures! 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Cattle Deaths Caused By Cyanide Grass Mutation

Y'all have already seen the article on my Facebook a few weeks back, but here is the news report.  This farmer says in this clip that he is NOT feeding his cattle this GM Bermuda (Tifton 85) anymore.. he says he's been feeding it to them for 15 years and all of a sudden it started producing cyanide.  What's going to happen to us in 15 years when the USDA comes out saying that they were terribly wrong and that GM crops and GMO-fed livestock are causing many of our health problems today?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Akepa's 2!

We have now officially hit the 2's.  And if you're a mom, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  Independence, constant chatter, and of course... the fits!  In an effort to keep her from getting hyped up on sugar (which happened anyway after her cupcake), I decided to make some "healthier" alternatives to candy and cookies.  We went with a pool party since  Pool + Kids = Good Naps!  Akepa loves Strawberry Shortcake so of course we went with that theme.  I did some organic snacks for the kids and even something special for the adults.  Here are some of the things I served.. feel free to steal them :) 

Organic Strawberry Lemonade with Agave   
2 cups organic strawberries (hulled & cut)  
1/3 cup organic agave nectar
Juice of 4-5 lemons
3 1/2 cups cold water

Puree first three ingredients in a blender or food processor.  Pour into a pitcher and add the water.  Chill for at least 1 hour.  Garnish with strawberries and lemon slices.  Stir and serve over ice.  

Organic Berries with Greek Yogurt

1 package organic blueberries
1 package organic raspberries
1 package organic strawberries 
3/4 cup organic plain greek yogurt
2 Tbsp honey
Melting chocolate (if desired) 

Mix honey and greek yogurt in a small bowl and place near the mixed berries so people have a dipping sauce.  The honey adds a touch of sweetness to enhance the flavor of the berries.  Take strawberries and dip in melted chocolate (melt according to package) and place on wax paper to harden.  I used green chocolate because it matched her colors.  (You can find the colored chocolate at Michael's/ Party City/ etc.) 

Strawberry-Lime Sangria

1 1/2 cups strawberry simple syrup
1 bottle of crisp white wine (sauvignon blanc or pinot grigio) 
1 bottle of rose or blush wine 
1 1/2 cups soda/ sparkling water
1 lime, sliced
1 orange, sliced
Strawberries for garnish

Make simple syrup and set aside.  Simple syrup is made with equal parts sugar to water.  Add Strawberries and bring to boil.  As soon as it boils, remove from heat and set aside for 10 minutes.  Remove strawberries with slotted spoon.  In a pitcher, add 2 bottles of wine, sliced limes and oranges, and strawberry simple syrup.  Refrigerate at least 5 hours.  Add soda water and serve in a glass over ice.  Garnish with a strawberry.    

Here is a picture of the cupcakes my sister made as well.  I also served salted and smoked almonds for the adults and organic peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  

Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes

Friday, July 13, 2012

Greendex: Survey of Sustainable Consumption - National Geographic

Here's a great chart of the highest and lowest ranking green countries in the world from National Geographic's Greendex.  Sadly United States ranked last.  You can do a personal test as well and see where you stand.  Luckily, I was above the average of the US but I still have a lot to improve on.

Greendex: Survey of Sustainable Consumption - National Geographic

Also, here is a list of 27 major cities and how they ranked in the survey of greenest cities of North America:

Green cities span coasts, as eco-efforts intensify - USATODAY.com

Friday, July 6, 2012

Aluminum-Free Deodorant

For almost 2 years, I have been on a crazy mission to find a natural, aluminum-free underarm deodorant that actually works.  I cringe at the thought of smelling like b.o. and let's face it, the natural deodorants can't stand up to this Texas heat.  I have bought about 7 different kinds and every single time, they work consistently for 2 months and then they just "stop".  What the heck!

Can't one of those natural companies come up with one that actually works for more than 30 minutes? 

As green and natural as I am, I decided I would just read the labels of every mainstream deodorant like Dove, Secret, Arm & Hammer, etc.  I managed to choose the one with the least amount of aluminum, but why should I have to sacrifice the risk of breast cancer and the buildup of metals and toxins in my body for B.O.?? Maybe I need to invent one that actually works...

Anyone have any recommendations, please leave comments below and I will give them a try!

Here are some the brands I've tried:

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Benefits of the Great Outdoors

Pictured directly above is a baby frog we found

Last week, we took Akepa on a mini camping trip.  I grew up camping my whole life so I was super excited at the thought of taking her to spend the night outdoors.  Even though we only stayed one night (due to the 100-degree heat and lack of an air mattress), she still got to benefit from the trip in many ways.

I started thinking about a discussion we had in our child psychology class a couple years back about how outdoor play benefits a child's development, so I wanted to share some of those amazing pluses.

  • Exercise and muscle movement- reduces the risk of obesity in children
  • Vitamin D and fresh air- nourish the body and rejuvenate
  • Discovery and science education- new plants, animals, sounds, textures for kids to discover
  • Boosts immune system- contrary to popular belief, dirt is actually good for kids
  • Stress reliever- for kids in higher stress environments, outdoor play helps to relieve stress 

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Please take 30 seconds to sign this.  Monsanto does not deserve protection...  our children are not science experiments! 

Friday, June 29, 2012

Purify Your Laundry (& Our Earth!)

From the time I was little I've had an ongoing battle with my skin.  Sensitive, itchy, dry, rashes... you name it.  So when I had Akepa and noticed that she had a mild case of Eczema, I wasn't all that surprised.  

When my grandmother told me about soap nuts, I was immediately enthralled.  A natural laundry cleaner that doesn't release chemicals and toxins into our skin and Earth.  Since then, I know 10 more people that have made the switch.  Worried about the cost?  At under $30 and 330 loads of laundry, Soap Nuts cost less than traditional laundry soap.   

REALLY dirty clothes? Try adding a couple of tablespoons of unscented castile soap to the laundry.  If you want your laundry to smell good, try a scented castile soap.  Dr. Bronner's is a good brand because they are scented with essential oils instead of cheap artificial perfumes.   

Want to brighten your whites?  Try adding the juice of half a lemon to the water.

Hard water? Add 1/4 cup of Borax, a natural mineral compound.  ($4 on the laundry aisle of the grocery store.)

Need to spot-treat a tough stain? Try Celadon Road's natural stain remover.  www.celadonroad.com


Monday, June 25, 2012

Institute for Responsible Technology - GMO Dangers

Here is a great article on the dangers of GMO:
Institute for Responsible Technology - GMO Dangers

I recently found this website and it has a ton of great information on GMO, why NOT to eat GM foods, scientific research backing the dangers of it, lies you're being told by "scientists", and how to get involved.

Remember: Monsanto is an evil corporation that is looking to take over the world's crops and turn them into GMO at the expense of OUR CHILDREN. Be aware and let's get active!

Also, go to this page and "like it":

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Problem With Most Sunscreens

Most parents don't even think twice when purchasing a sunscreen for their little ones.  They quickly grab whatever brand they "know", whatever is on sale, yada yada yada.  After all, all sunscreens are better than no sunscreen, right? Uh, no.

First off, let's remember that sun exposure is HEALTHY! In moderation, the sun provides essential vitamins for our bodies and creates an uplifting mood.  Our plants need it to live and so do we.  So before you go grab that Coppertone or Hawaiian Tropic and slather it onto your kids, take a look at the label and make the decision to purchase a healthier one.  Our babies are worth it!  

Many sunscreens on the market today contain harmful chemical ingredients such as:
  • Retinyl Palmitate- This form of Vitamin A has been found by the National Toxicology Program (NTP) to be a known carcinogen (cancer-causing agent) in the presence of UV light.  When in doubt, leave it out!
  • Oxybenzone- A known endocrine disruptor and chemical that mimics estrogen.  When Oxybenzone is absorbed through the skin, it then gets into your bloodstream and some of it exits through your urine, thus making it possible to measure the levels in one's body.  The women with the highest levels of Oxybenzone in their urine had the highest rates of endometriosis, endocrine problems, and cancer.  I am someone who has had thyroid problems for the last 5 years so again, when in doubt, leave it out!
  • PABA (Para-aminobenzoic acid)- a reflective agent that causes cellular damage to DNA and can lead to cancer.  It only "protects" against Carcinoma, not Melanoma (the more dangerous form of skin cancer).  Many people also have allergic reactions to PABA. 
The best way to make sure you are getting a sunscreen that is healthy for your child is to get one that consists of:
  • Zinc Oxide- It's what you use on your baby's butt for diaper rash.  It's waterproof, doesn't absorb into the skin, and is totally safe.  Zinc oxide protects against all rays.  
  • Titanium Dioxide- less effective than zinc oxide at protecting against long-wave UVA rays, but definitely effective at protecting against short-wave UVA rays and UVB rays.  It's highly reflective, non-comedogenic (does not clog pores), and does not absorb into the skin.  
A few weeks ago, I took my fair-skin baby out into the Texas sun for several hours to play at the river.  I applied Earth's Best sunscreen on her and reapplied one time during the day.  Not a tint of pink the whole weekend.  Success!


Another (more expensive) but totally natural one we've used:


10 Months Gone By....

It's been a crazy 10 months.  I'm so glad to be back and while I still have a long way to go, at least I'm on the road again.  

Right off the bat, I want to thank several of my friends and family members for asking about this blog and wondering when I was going to start it back up again.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I know that this is what keeps me sane and I am so happy to see that there are other people that love to read about this stuff as much as I love to blab about it.

Since my last post in September 2011, Kahi's company in Hawaii suddenly shut its doors and we were forced to make a decision: stay in Hawaii and try to ride out the storm, or move to Texas and try to start a new life in a less expensive place.  We chose Texas.  $6,000 later, thanks to my amazing and supportive grandparents, we found ourselves living in San Antonio with my loving aunt, whom we owe much gratitude.

Amongst planning a wedding, which we had on April 28, 2012, Kahi applying to every animation company in Texas, myself working, and trying to keep up with a toddler while keeping her on a stable schedule, life got CRAZY!

The storm is still not over but Kahi did get a job offer from the nicest hotel in San Antonio, JW Marriott-Hill Country Resort and Spa.  I am continuing to work and commute from a small town, just 50 minutes from San Antonio but I look forward to getting an apartment and becoming more stable over the next few months.  My social life has also suffered due to lack of funds and energy to participate.  I look forward to getting that back as well.

Akepa is great-- she is almost 2 years old now and talking like crazy.  Only partially vaccinated, day-care free, and raised on 80% organic food, she is healthy and has yet to get sick.  (Knock on wood!)  We have had no health insurance for 10 months but other than a trip to the clinic for my thyroid tests, we are all very healthy.

Enough for now.. let's talk about the good stuff!

Here's a picture from our wedding :)