Sorry for the giant pause in the blog- life is crazy. Just got a new job, working 4-5 nights a week, recently had family in town, and just got through with my daughter's first birthday party.
Anyways, some moms have contacted me via Facebook and asked me for more information about the "vaccine" issue. Here are Amazon links to 2 of the books I purchased and pulled information from.
(These are just 2 of the HUNDREDS of books on the market regarding this subject)
My advice to all moms is to educate yourselves the best you can in regards to vaccines. Look at both sides. SPREAD OUT vaccines and don't get the ones that you are unsure about (or at least postpone it until they are older). Don't choose Doctors that tell you that you have to get all your vaccines. You are the parents of your children. You have to live with any consequences that arise from the vaccinations. And p.s., schools do ask for your vaccination record, however a valid way to get out of it is to say that it is against your religion to get them. If you wanna talk any more about this, feel free to leave comments and we'll chat! :)